The unending killing of Christians more especially, clergymen, children, women and adult alike across the northern parts of Nigeria has a...
The unending killing of Christians more especially, clergymen, children, women and adult alike across the northern parts of Nigeria has attracted the Catholic Dioceses of Port Harcourt to stage a peaceful and well-organized protest along the Port Harcourt/Aba Express Way.
The protest began around the early hour of 10 am on Tuesday, 22nd of May 2018 from the diocesan headquarter (Corpus Christi), behind CFC, Kaduna Road, Port Harcourt. The protest includes; carrying of placard inscribed with "WE WANT PEACEFUL COEXISTENCE AMONG ALL NIGERIANS, THE BARBARISMS MUST STOP, and GOVERNMENT SHOULD PROTECT LIVES AND PROPERTIES" amongst others.
The Bishop of the diocese was seen carrying in a white van accompanied by priests who are with the formal attire.
The protest ended at a Catholic branch known as Christ the King Church (CKC), Sangana Street, Mile 1 Diobu, Port Harcourt not more than 15 minutes walk from the takeoff point.
Meanwhile, gathered that the protest was carried out nationwide by the Catholic community in Nigeria.